The name "Haryana" could mean "the Abode of God", derived from the Sanskrit words Hari (the Hindu God Vishnu) and ayana (home).[10]
Scholars like Muni Lal, Murli Chand Sharma, HA Phadke and Sukhdev Singh Chib believe that the name Haryana comes from the words Hari (Sanskrit Harit, "green") and Aranya (forest).[11]
The Yashastilaka-Champu of Somadeva mentions "Harivansha" as the ruling family of this region.[12] JN Singh Yadav, Pran Nath Chopra and some anthropologists believe that the name Haryana may have derived from Abhiras, its ancient inhabitants (Abhirayana -> Ahirayana -> Hirayana -> Haryana).